Monday, December 18, 2017

Hatchimals Surprise: A Surprise Christmas Gift!

This year's Santa is working overtime to get all the little girls and boys Hatchimals they have on their lists.  Last year, Hatchimals was the must have toy.  This year I'm not seeing much different.  Especially in our home.  Allyson, even at age 9 has asked Santa for a Hatchimals. 

After watching YouTube videos for a year, Hatchimals has been the talk of our home.  Ally has her favorite ones to watch and she tells me about each.  As the holidays got closer, the Hatchimals Surprise started to show up in our conversations.  Clearly twins is better than just one, so why not go for the Hatchimals Surprise!?

With Hatchimals Surprise you get twice the Hatchiness!  The twins have unique personalities too!  They love to dance, talk and play games together.  Hours of fun, coming your way!

You can find Hatchimals at your local GameStop!  Take a look at their other offerings as well!

Will your children find a Hatchimals Surprise under the tree this year?

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