These bags were very easy to put together. The worst part? Tying the ribbon at the end. Just about anyone can do this and if you have a partner, even better!
I started the whole thing by pulling out my Cocoa Puffs, mini marshmallows and Teddy Grahams. You could do this with any kind of cereal or flavors of grahams. We chose to stick with a s'mores type of flavor as it was a Girl Scout event!
Now comes the fun part. Cutting out your tulle. We used purple and light blue tulle, which looked great with the color scheme going on in the room. I was lucky enough to have my tulle wrapped around the fabric board. I used that as a guide to make sure all of my pieces were the same size.
I used a heaping tablespoon worth of mix for the inside of the bags. I found that this amount could be less or more, just depending on your preference. This amount worked best for us.
Simply twist the tulle to assure the mix will not fall out after bunching the sides together. Grab the ribbon and tie the bow. I think next time I'll use a little extra ribbon and curl the ends for effect.
The girls loved these little bags and I loved how easy they were to make. Perfect for any kind of party for young and old!
Ingredients used:
Cocoa Puffs
Mini Marshallows
Birthday Teddy Grahams
What mixture would you use?
I actually love the mixture. Maybe add some macadamia nuts?
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea and yummy mix! I would probably add some pretzels for saltiness!
ReplyDeleteThis is very clever!