Friday, June 13, 2014

Baby's Journey Baby Gate Giveaway

Sweet Cheeks and Savings is helping with promotion of this giveaway.  Good Luck!

Original Review by:  Little Helpers in Life

My son is only fourteen months now, and is so smart. Sometimes, I think he is to smart for his own good. That being said, your everyday baby gate does not work with him. He has already figured out how to climb over them. Also, I love that baby gates can deter a child from getting somewhere you don't want them. Or keeping your animals away from the kids when they need some of their own space. My huge issue is, I am super short, so trying to get over a baby gate, especially while trying to hold my son can be a pain in the rear.

The typical baby gate only reaches so far. My walkway into my kitchen will not hold a typical baby gate, and though I don't mind when my son is in the kitchen while I am cooking dinner and everything. I only want him in there when I can monitor him. So, my husband and I decided to use the Baby's Journey baby gate right between our kitchen and dining room. 

This baby gate has two different pieces that come with it to extend the size from 30 inches, up to 46 inches. It has two pieces it comes with. One is a four inch extender. And the other is an eight inch extender. There is no tools needed to set this up. It only took my husband and I five minutes. It also is much higher then the typical gate, in case you are using it for a pet that can jump. I have a heeler and a corgi that can jump pretty high, but have yet to master this. 

This gate features a step and secure. Which you can just step on to make sure that it has the perfect amount of pressure on the walls or doorways. It also has special cups that come with it, in case you are using it at a stairwell. I also love that though my son thinks it is funny to close people out with it, he doesn't know how to open and close the gate when it is locked. Just simply lift it, and put it in the middle of the gate. It is super simple. 

But, my more favorite part is definitely that the gate doesn't have a way for my son to climb up the gate to get over. This gate is simply perfect! 

To find more about this great product, plus many more please click here

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sweet Cheeks and Savings is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

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